The girls in Dallas will be playing with Ringlets this weekend

and Porticos
And Jill is coming to play as well. I suspect we'll be having some big fun.
And I get to spend some time with Bonnie Brooks. Bonnie is an extraordinary bead illustrator, who helped me immensely when I was illustrating Beaded Opulence. She was generous with her knowledge and it is unlikely that I could have had such a good result without her guidance. Thank you Bonnie!
And I will meet my web people. Again, gracious guidance. Stephanie and Barry develop websites. They took mine over from a prior developer, created a manageable site and helped me learn to manage it myself. We've spent much time on the phone, but never met and this weekend we will!
Off to finish packing! I think I'll take the laptop this time....look for a little real time blogging from Dallas!
Marcia...I LUV those colors too. I don't think they'd look very good on your so I do believe you'll have to package that piece up, send it to me in Ohio & be happy someone who really really really loves it will be fondling it & loving it all!
Yummy colors! I feel a soup coming on!
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