Sunday, October 25, 2009


I'm in Dallas with the Dallas Bead Society, 3 days, 42 students total, tons of fun. Two years ago we collaborated on the chorus of urchins which was accepted into BeadDreams, and was the cover image for the Bead and Button show catalog. ppssst, It's also my blog banner, so you can see it above.

And now plans are underway for a second collaboration!

I've been beautifully hosted and classes have been great with lots of enthusiasm.

Bonnie joined in on Saturday. Bonnie was my illustrator mentor (and saviour) when I was writing the book.

Here's Kathy with her well done Etruscan Treasure

And Mandy, my facebook friend and now real life friend, I like that

Lexi's variation to Etruscan Treasure, wonderful!

And Karen, modeling her urchin lariat while working on Porticos

Today, freeform and I understand we have some freeform phobics in class, so we'll be working through the phobias while developing leaves for the falling leaves lariat. Pictures tomorrow!

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