which then decided that perhaps it would be a necklace, but during the necklace construction, a better bracelet presented itself. It's one of the wonders/pitfalls of component design. Make several components and it's easy to play with different design concepts. Only this one is on a deadline and the playing must cease and a design must emerge...soon.
It's one of the top questions people ask....'where do you get your design inspiration?' 'how do you move through the design process' and the answer is not so simple. For me there are many paths. This particular one started with a class with Kate McKinnon and a little ndebele screwt. Playing with the screwt I got a medallion, but it needed a top, so I stitched up a round medallion and sewed it to the top of the ndebele and got this very sweet component. Then I stitched up two smaller ones and played with arrangement. Next I will probably (there are no guarantees in this process) create two more smaller medallions (they need a name, Rachel? Kate? I never think up names like Screwt or O. Berstein) and connect them and design a closure of some sort and a new bracelet will be born. I love the dimensionality of these little muffin tops.
Ok, back to the design table.
It happens regularly, I think it is why I enjoy designing jewellery so much, I rarely know what I am going to make until it's made!
Having a design decide itself happens to me, too. I can only start with the colors and components and when I start stitching, it dictates itself. I love it.
Cool! I design in exactly the same way, playing with components. In fact I tell people that pieces and parts are what I really MAKE, what I think about, what I design. Finished pieces come from just monkeying about happily with parts.
Oh I never end up with what I thought I was going to make... I love it when my piece takes over and tells me where it wants to go!
I think it's pretty common, it works that way for me too. New designs seem to just bloom when you're playing.
I need to start playing like that more often...I know I have the tools...I just need to turn off that math side of the brain a little and let loose :o) Love to see a little bit into your process - and I love that dagger bead...I have some that I bought because I love the polka dots :o)
I think "play" is the common theme. Without that, wonderful things cannont happen. Speaking of which, I have to thank you Marcia for coming to Bellevue WA last fall. Your class has inspired me to "play"!
I like the new design you're working with. It reminds me of something I'd see on the ocean floor, combined with the colors, 'Oceana' popped into my mind. (possibly infulenced by the name of Jeanettes' interesting ring!) Looking forward to seeing what the final design looks like.
WOW, exelent,wonderful, i wish you a happy new Year 2011, Jenny
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