Beadwork and socks, well no, but as I put both the new Queen Anne's Lace and Turkish sock down to photograph, I noticed how well they coordinate. Which is a good thing right? I mean your bracelet should match your socks! This is a darling little sock by ChurchmouseYarns, although I don't know how to acquire the pattern, perhaps a phone call? It has a unique construction is easy to make and looks great with open backed clogs.
Next is a new colorway for Crystal Collage which I will be teaching for the 3rd or 4th year at Bead and Button Show (Did you now registration opened today!)I love this one, tabac and muted lilac with some jet nut and light colorado topaz ab.
I'm also almost finished with the olivine Descending Nights for Beading by the Bay and a Medium Vitral 'Under the Mast' also for Bead and Button. More photos tomorrow.
Gorgeous! I love the purply colors and the photos are great! It makes me want to get back to actual beading but I decided a New Year goal was to be three months head with my classes so I'm busy writing instructions.
Just love your color combos!
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