And over at Beverly's (who is also preparing for Bead and Button) she's participating in Color Week, led by Curious Girl Lisa. It's great fun to have a look through the colorful photography.
Me, I've been playing with diamonds....I often thumb through fashion magazines, pulling out photos that catch my eye. They end up, if I'm in full organizational mode, in my inspiration folder, but often in a pile next to my chair. So yesterday when moving the pile to make room for the vacuum, this one fluttered to the floor.

I think the design resemblance speaks for itself, I think I will be making some more earrings!
I've been obsessed with diamonds also lately...hhhmmm....wonder why?
I just did the same...I was at the eye doctor and flipping through a fashion mag(I never look through them otherwise) and came across a GORGEOUS gold and cobalt pendant from Tifany. I sketched it out and have been turning it over in my mind how to stitch it!
Bead Happy!--I'm counting down to B & B too!
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