I got off to a shaky start with a few days of illness but all is now well and I'm looking forward to an exciting year.
I can report that our first long and extended Airstream outing was a great success. We set off for Santa Cruz on Saturday, deciding to stay in Bakersfield, the halfway point, overnight. The Airstream is a very cozy retreat, which we kept warm with our space heater and full of holiday cheer and ambience with our candles. We spent the week then traveled to Newport Beach to join an airstream rally. This is where illness go the best of me and we headed home missing our first airstream New Years Eve, but I know there will be more.
My two favorite Grand daughters, what a treat to visit with them both on the same day. Thanks to Grandpa for a nice photo of the three of us. We shopped for shoes for Malayna, it was always my delight when Sam was little to buy her new shoes and I still buy the occasional pair, but this trip was Malayna's turn, with a pair of purple flowered Tom ankle high boots picked out by Sam. Malayna was delighted.
The year is going to be full of stellar engagements, the first of which is
City Beads in Chicago next week! Chicago in January yikes! I like some chill in my air but lately it's been too darn cold in the midwest. Mid twenties would be ok with me. I'm teaching three of my favorites, Pacific Morning Glory, Quattro Cupole and La Navette. Fortunately Lisa has a warm and inviting space and we'll be cozy while enjoying the beads!
Quattro Cupole |
La Navette |
Pacific Morning Glory |
In February we'll be off to Tucson, this year taking the airstream and combining the trip with an airstream rally and Tucson gem show shopping!
Then March will be our fifth annual Beading by the Bay! Santa Lucia is my offering and is one of my all time favorites to wear. It stay exclusive to retreat members until after June, but then it may show up in a class at some of my usual spots.
With the retreat behind us we're going to be off to the Bahamas to join friends Tracy, Beki, Heather and Leslie on the
Bead Cruise. I signed up to go spend a week with my friends, but Heather kindly asked if I'd like to teach as well, so I will be teaching a pendant class. I love the versatility of Cassandra, easily made and infinitely wearable.
That takes us through March, but I have a lot going on all year! There will of course be Bead and Button, a trip to teach in Kentucky, a favorite venue, Alaska, Beaded Bliss, Stitchncraft and…..well the
calendar has the schedule.
I'll also be filming a right angle weave video with Interweave, and looking forward to the February release of Marcia DeCoster presents. 30 of my favorite artists, all together for your viewing pleasure.
I'm still treading slowly, giving myself a couple of more recovery days before hitting the studio full time. See you soon!