Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
I love my UPS Girl....
I had staged 70 or 80 kits waiting for the packaging (I got a little late on the ordering and they come from Canada) So yesterday I finished, every little last thing on the to do list checked off.
I'm going up to Santa Cruz for the weekend to visit Mom and family before heading off on Tuesday morning.
And here is what else I've been up to...
When I return, a new venture I've been working on.....Beads at The Grove! The Grove is a wonderfully eclectic store in South Park San Diego filled with yarns and books and baskets and jewelry and now there will also be beads!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Do I have it backwards?
People seem to be asking what I will wear and I don't know. I started with Remembrance, a Shibori knitted wrap out of silk mohair that I fell in love with. The knitting is going well, 1/3 of the way done with 7 weeks to go.
Next I picked some jewelry which works well with the subdued charcoal grey of the wrap.
I love motion in my jewelry and the pearls on these bangles move delicately around the wrist while wearing. I have matching pearl earrings suspended from chain, a design I favor. Both were done by Carol Brown whose studio is at the Grove. I love the detail of the bead caps she used here
I've never been a department store kind of gal, no Macy's or Nordstroms for me. My hope is that I'll have time to make a trip to Kati Koos in San Francisco. I know Kati can help me put together the perfect outfit to compliment my shawl and jewelry.
It's Lucia's day to shine and she will. I'm sure I'll work out something to wear.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
getting there
So....this part of the post required signing on to blogger on a real computer...but I did learn that to send via mobile only the text before the picture is posted. I wanted to be ready to post some impromptu pictures of the fun from the B&B show. The kind that don't require the camera, the uploading to the computer, the login to blogspot, the upload of the photo to blogspot, well you get the idea. Just some quick capturing of fun moments.
Haven't sorted out multiple pictures by post or by SMS, just emailing the photo to my mobile blogging email address. So much to keep up with, sigh. Now back to finishing the printing of handouts and then packing!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Urban Trees
I'm especially drawn to the interactiveness of this entry. The name, "Californiascope" by artists Harmon Nelson, Vicki Leon and Steve Riggs. 'This interactive, giant kaleidoscope is a cornucopia of light, color, pattern and movement. Constructed of welded steel, carved glass and uniquely designed fixtures and surfaces. The sculpture also includes control knobs that allow the viewer to rotate three of the scopes lenses.'
Solar powered so you can still see it at night!
Beautiful glass, and beads, controlled by the gears for never ending designs. The color wheel is powered by the wind so on a breezy day is constantly shifting.
Here are just two designs I captured through the viewfinder. I could do this for hours except for the number of other viewers waiting their turn....
This tree impresses me in how well both the art, functionality and engineering have come together to make a truly exceptional design. I'd love to have this in my backyard! I hope when the season is over this piece will become a public installation.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Book Arrived
When Nicole from Lark first contacted me she wondered if I had heard of Lark? I had to laugh, perhaps I had, since I think I own about every beading book they've produced.
I like the spine and that cute little earring, and I'm kind of fond of the title too.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
May Gray....
In celebration of May Gray
MoonLit Rising
Les Perles de la Mer
And now back to the previously scheduled plan for the day, kitting. Such a familiar refrain, it will be nice to do something a little different. But for now, the Bead and Button preparation continues. Soon however I will be there among many friends and a large quantity of awe inspiring beadwork.
Friday, May 22, 2009

It's been a fun week of exploring color and I thank Curious Girl Lisa for putting it together. It's been great fun to explore the blogging of other participants. Go have a look, Curious Girl has them all posted in her sidebar.
Many more days of preparation remain, but today I am going to take things a tad bit slower, maybe even an outing to my favorite knitting spot, a pleasant afternoon among friends, an intimate dinner with my husband, a little reveling in the beauty of my life.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Red and Pink
Today, I show you Kiri, another of my lace shawls, in Rowan's silk mohair

And Spun Crystal a piece in the fabric chapter of 'Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence'It is light Siam 2x ab, because what's a crystal if itn's not 2x ab!

No fancy mosaics today, husband Mark required some serious one on one time if we're to get the new website up and running, a decidedly good goal for the coming days.
I continue the steps necessary to show up at Bead and Button prepared. Although I occassionally dream that not only did I forget to take instructions to a teaching engagement, but I forgot to write them, as of yet, that has never happened.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Here's orange

A big thank you to Curious Girl Lisa who encouraged this color exercise!
Back to Bead and Button preparation! It's a show I love to attend. So many good friends to see, and so many great works of art to experience. I love to meet my students, to share with them the special bond of beads, and be inspired by them. It is always the greatest of weeks.
And I have the ring trade with Kate that I am totally looking forward to. It is time for me to look past the last few days of this preparation and see the joy that will be at the end of it.
See you tomorrow for pinks and reds!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the cover of my book 'Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence' Elegant jewelry projects with right angle weave....Green! can pre-order on Amazon, or you can wait just a little tiny bit more and order from me. Then you'll receive a signed copy and an additional pattern. I'll keep you posted.
See you tomorrow for more color!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Blue Monday
So I searched my photos for some random blue and here is what I came up with....

Way more learning curve will be required, this is a mix of things that were already in my flicker account and some I uploaded from my computer. There is apparently the ability to put 36 images into a mosaic, but adding more then 3 from my computer stumped me. I do think this whole process deserves some attention when I have a bit more time to spare.
But for now, I need to finish writing some directions, sew up some table displays, pack up some kits and remember to take some time and truly appreciate how fortunate I am to be doing this work that I love.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
And I logged onto Blogspot and because I follow Beverly Gilbert I saw that she posted about color (and she's really good at it) and then she talked about color week with Lisa, so I of course had to click over and wow, such color, can't wait for next week! I'd love to participate but if you read yesterday's post, you'll understand why I am going to let reason prevail and skip this one....but I'd really really like to. I will be checking Lisa's blog regularly from now on.
and then there is Margie Deeb whose insights on color helped me to expand my bead color inventory, the wall is more well rounded because of Margie.
But for now, I'll make do with a few clicks on the random color generator. Type a word into the search category, here's spring



Saturday, May 16, 2009
There is a beadwork project to finish for the designer of the year series in Beadwork magazine, beading done, but they do usually require directions as well
The Tahoe Bead Retreat, two samples done, need directions written and a third color sample
Then there is
Bead and Button, that little show that is always on my schedule in June, let's not even talk about 4 weeks later putting together proposals for the next year....I'm still making kits for this year
I am knitting Remembrance, a shibori mohair and silk shawl. I need some non bead diversion in my life....
There's a retreat I haven't even told you about yet, and I'm co-promoting it and I need to get a logo done and a website up, and I need to finish up a project for it so I can tell you about it, it's good, you're going to love it, I'll tell you more soon, it involves Beading by the Bay.
My husband is doing the work on my re-designed website which needs to be completed so that people can buy kits and the BOOK!

And probably when it does I should tell a few folks who have joined my mailing list and are waiting for the news, so I will need to revisit my email marketing software and get that done
The scary part about all that is what if people want to buy stuff? Yeah, I know it's nuts, that is what I'm supposed to want them to do, but's a lot to consider.
And I've re-designed my business cards to match my new website colors, and what I'd really like to do is to bead a new business card case to match the new cards, yes I am delusional.

I of course have to bead now and then
AND, I've decided to have a small bead presence at the Grove in North Park, San Diego. It's exciting, something I've always envisioned, a destination for yarn, fabric, beads, books, jewelry and more all under one roof. With women who I adore, who are artistic and creative and smart and fun. So on the 'to do list' I added 'package beads' and all the required systems to go along with having even a small bead store...
I may be crazy?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Moo, Book, Crystals and plans

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Quiet Spaces
The room is a peaceful sage green color with a cushy couch, lot's of colorful fiber, many favorite knitting books and great natural light.
I've been working on Remembrance to wear to my daughter Lucia's wedding. She is getting married in July at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga. There tends to be a chill in the air on summer evenings in Northern California and I think this wrap will be beautiful. Itis from the book Alchemy Lost and Found.

I'm making it in Habu's silk mohair in charcoal grey. The task is soothing and is just what I need right now. The silk mohair feels so luxurious in my hands.
I'll be continuing to kit today and tomorrow and .....probably up until I leave for Bead and Button. There is a certain methodical calming to the kitting process as well, and I have lot's of great help. Mark even sat at the kitting table for mulitple hours yesterday. He did take a couple of unscheduled breaks, and he's still learning the difference between size 15, 11 and 8's, but he was a big help.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
M is for Marcia
It has a nice heft and color to it and with a large bail is easy to string for a simple necklace. I've put it together with some 2 mm firepolish and beautiful green pearls which both compliment the patina. Artbeads has a nice selction of beading supplies across a broad range of products.
M is for marriage and marigolds and margaritas and......Liz reminds me, M is also for Martinis, who knows how I missed that one.....Yeah, I better go to work now!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Snow Dreams
The seed is an icy blue 3 cut, right up there with my current favorites.

It's the last in the Designer of the Year series that I did for Beadwork this year. I was pleased to be asked and I enjoyed the challenge of a new design every two months. My goal in the series was to provide some more complex projects for the experienced beadweaver. The third in the series was just published, so you have three more to look forward to and I hope that you enjoy them.
Now off to write directions....There are people waiting....
Monday, May 11, 2009
A sense of humor helps....
You have to laugh while fervently hoping that a return to routines will restore normal functioning. A move to rehab with more staff and better routines is expected to be helpful and we're planning that.
I knew that having fiber on the needles would be helpful for me, but for some reason I hadn't travelled with any appropriate knitting. A quick trip to the yarn store, The Golden Fleece in Santa Cruz, yielded a lovely deep red variegated hand dyed sock yarn and a pair of addi-turbos in size 5 (note to self, ALWAYS travel with yarn and needles). A quick search of ravelry, I needed something interesting beyond straight knitting, but not a full on lace pattern.
This Feather and Fan scarf pattern did the trick.
For right now I am back in San Diego getting ready to put together kits for Bead and Button. I need to double up on getting things done since more time will be devoted to getting Mom settled somewhere comfortable for her recovery.
Today a much needed haircut and a little rest are on the schedule.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Blog Absence
In the meantime, enjoy your Mother's Day. I'll have the unexpected pleasure and side benefit of seeing two of my three children and my grandaughter.
The plan next week is to get ready for Bead and Button, we'll see how the plan unfolds.
Best Dog!
So will you think less of me if I tell you I didn't get the Best Dog/Paula Best connection until well after I placed the order and received my Best Dog collar? She's clever that Paula, of course it helps that her name is Best.
If you too have a Best Dog, you'll want to check out these collars for the well dressed dog.

There will be a point in time that Maya will sport a swarovski crystal right angle weave collar, but until her mother makes it, her new collar suits her beautifully.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Plane time.....

It's the second colorway for the Bead Unique Tahoe Retreat and I'm loving the combination. The golden shadow crystal button is the perfect accent. The bronze colored bead is a new favorite 3 cut with red undertones and a light golden glaze.
I need to get really really serious about time and productivity. Lot's to do before bead and button. First up, clear the decks. I need zen like orderliness to begin such a busy time and that's on today's schedule.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pharoah's Daughter

Pharoah's Daughter, a fitting name...done in my usual matte metallics this one is fun to bead and very wearable.
I'm off for a playdate, see you all tomorrow!
Reality Beckons
Wanda made me an urchin. I might have been saying how I always envisioned a pink and orange one, but hadn't had the time.....and Wanda said I'll make you one...Shameless as it may have been I didn't hesitate a minute, I picked out those beads! And here is what Wanda did.
And here's Wanda.
She's fast and she loved the urchin so I only have mild guilt. And I gifted her the beads to make one for herself.
I told you there were color whizzes, here is Sian's, so beautiful with the old jet ab2x coated beads, more green then today's blue color. She was saving them for a special occasion.
And then the jellyfish by Shannon, brilliant. She had one of those what if moments and went home and beaded an urchin with clear beads. She then beaded a second small urchin in bright blue and placed it inside of the first urchin so you can see peeks of color through.....oh the possibilities.
Parked outside the door I kept glimpsing this license plate, and yep it did belong to a student, Vivien. Loved it.
I also spotted another beautiful needle case, this one belonging to Sian. Made by the multi-talented Debra Smith.
Linda the wonder hostess made it a very special week! I hope there is day I'll be asked to come back.
And Roberta, the every smiling and cheerful young women at the front desk of the Dimond Hotel....left me a thank you card for being a nice guest. Now how often does that happen? The people are really really nice here.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The fun continues....
Previous class projects were shown, here is Shannon's ringlets, love those fun colors
And Honores one ringlet. She took my 'focus and finish' message to heart and finished her ringlet. Honore is in the carpet industry and called this 'a color story' from this years home decor colors. Isn't it stunning?
So during the course of my week, I kept noticing these needle cases....and I tracked down the source, Deborah Smith. Deborah was invited to be featured artist of the year at the Anchorage Museum. I had the pleasure of her company on my Seward trip. Turns out Deborah has a cozy home in Seward.
Her needle cases are amazing and each one has the personality of the artist it was created for.
Here is Vivian's who owns a 'flower power' painted volkswagen. It's perfect.
And here is Linda's, bright fun colors,
and the reverse side is signed with Deborah's initials.
I'm trying to work out a way to own one of these...
We had a dinner outing this evening, joined by Cheryl Frasca (Beadventures) and Linda and Vivian and Terry. It was a very nice meal. Cheryl ordered Osso Bucco and I was concerned abut having menu envy, so I had to follow suit.
The restaurant, Orso, had lovely ambiance
and here is a picture of Cheryl and Linda enjoying that ambiance.
Tomorrow I finish up Urchin Lariat and on Monday I head home to reality ....well, I have a playdate with the Grove girls on Tuesday and then reality.