Last night I spent a few minutes adding a Places I've traveled board. This is sunset on the Thames river in London.

I'm not near complete, having done a lot of Europe, some of Tahiti, only a couple of my favorite U.S. cities, but it's still an amazing visual list of places I've been and for that I am so grateful.
And just this week I will get to add Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka to that visual list. Today is for finishing up last minute things that need doing and tomorrow is for packing and then we're off! First an overnight stay in downtown Seattle in a luxury hotel ( one of my favorite things....wasted on Mark, but that's ok I'll enjoy it enough for both of us) and then onto Holland America's Westerdam on Saturday. I've traveled Holland America before, although not this ship and I found it to be an excellent cruise line, with nice accommodations, lovely food, and an all around nice experience. Throw in a favorite bead store owner and some really nice beaders, and all the beautiful Alaskan scenery and I think it's going to be grand!