The first of what I hope will become an annual event. The weekend was full of laughter, learning, support, friendship, and beautiful beadwork of course.
The breadth of beadwork styles and knowledge was huge, and everyone shared. Days were spent around a large dining room table, everyone using their own style of beadmat, mine and Kate's a velvet lined tray, Dustin's a wooden bowl, Velux pads for others, and Teresa using a white ceramic plate.
Evening we relaxed over meals around the pool or in the back forty under twinkly lights enjoying the desert air.
My friend Gabriella who attended with husband Jeroen. I love spending time with her. We first met at a beading class in Atlanta and have thankfully managed a visit or two each year.

And here is
Dustin with one of his many spectacularly embroidered ties.

We compared techniques and materials, collaborated, problem solved, talked excitedly about new design ideas. Speaking of which I have one, a new design. It will be called the dream keeper vessel ring and it will hold your dreams close at hand.
Dustin read Tarot cards, and as a result (with a some input from Ellen) I will be creating myself a 'dream' bead tray for those projects that I want to explore independently of those that I teach. I have a vision for the first one and it may get beaded slowly but with the dream tray close by it will be realized.
I had never met
Teresa Sullivan before and I wonder how that could have been. She is so delightful, with a quirky sense of humor, a huge volume of music trivia, and an absolutely stunning body of work. I've commissioned her to create my very own pair of flame cuffs, and although we haven't discussed it yet, I'm hoping to throw the occasional crystal into the mix.
I had the best time getting to know
Jean Power, who is crazy fun and super talented. I remember 5 years ago admiring a piece of geometric triangles in the case at Bead and Buttons Bead Dreams and completely enamored, wondered about the person who created such an artistically arranged and colorful piece. I did have the rare for me opportunity to take a class with Jean in New York last year where I made the famous Jean Power star. But spending a whole 3 days with her was incredible. She is full of surprises and has an amazing ring collection.
Kate was a gracious hostess making beautiful food seem to appear effortlessly, although I know of course there was effort. She also made bronze beads appear when I needed them, made everyone comfortable, and provided the beautiful space.
So, time to admit, I'm a tad challenged with the IMAC learning curve and so this post is not as full of the the pictures that I would like to include.....more later, including our visit to Gary Wilson's!