It was worth the wait, well I hope it was. Mark loves it and it is not that often that he is moved to comment so strongly. He loved the Rising Sun and he loves En Pointe. He didn't get to name this one though, my friend Susan (Grove Susan...as Mark points out I have a lot of Susan's in my life, so he's always asking which one). It was parading around with the rather plain name of points. We've reviewed this before, naming....not my strong suit. I think I should come up with a naming convention, mdbracelet1gold, mdnecklace7blue....it would simplify the whole naming thing.
Here is a closeup of the 2 mm crystal join. You could alternately join with a size 15 or a size 11 in a contrasting color, but if you happened to have 2 mm crystal, it adds a nice touch. The yellow ringlets are unrelated, just happened to be on the same mannequin and I liked the wonderful contrast. Which suggests that the next En Pointe may play with color a little more.

I'm not sure you can quite get the dimensionality of it from the photo. The joins are raised up off the beadwork and create meandering waves throughout the necklace.
I'll wear it today, out for a mother's day afternoon with my daughter. After which it will be on it's way to the Beading Frenzy where I will be teaching it in August. As with the majority of my component design there are a million and one variations I can think of doing. And who knows you may find another million. You will however want to be well practiced in right angle weave.
Simply stunning Marcia, i love the way the piece undulates subtly, beautiful. I am waiting with giddy anticipation for your book to arrive, i adore right angle weave, it was the first stitch i learned.
Hah! I know what you mean about naming - it's HARD, and you have to, after eleventy-zillion, lacy netted pearl necklaces or chokers with beaded beads (or, for that matter, beaded beads in general).
I once had a competition for a name in which I gave a pattern to the winner - who came up with an excellent name, probably much better than most of mine.
It's a really lovely piece, and a perfect name.
You've done it again! Absolutely gorgeous, but not overpowering! I can't wait for the opportunity to make one of my own-and to see the other color ways you come up with :) I so love how you play with color - I always tell people I have NO problem buying your kits because you get the color combos done perfectly, and who am I to mess with perfection? :)
It's simply fantastic, I've no words!!
A beautiful structure, and the colors are subtle and lovely!
Love the necklace. Next time I have issues naming one of my creations, I plan to head to the paint department of the hardware store and look at the paint chips and borrow some of their very unusual color names.
@ KRdesigns, brilliant idea! Wish I had thought of it. But then if we both used it, it is unlikely that we'd use the same paintchip, isn't it?
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