Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Snow Dreams

Admittedly naming pieces is not my strong suit, 'Snow Dreams', hhhhmmmm....not sure, it just came to me. This piece has a wintry feel to me, and it's slated to be published in the December/January issue of Beadwork. It was inspired by a piece of fine jewelry done in golds, rhinestones and pearls. I like the simple asymmetry of it. Since this is only a sneak peak, the asymmetry probably escapes you at the moment.

The seed is an icy blue 3 cut, right up there with my current favorites.

It's the last in the Designer of the Year series that I did for Beadwork this year. I was pleased to be asked and I enjoyed the challenge of a new design every two months. My goal in the series was to provide some more complex projects for the experienced beadweaver. The third in the series was just published, so you have three more to look forward to and I hope that you enjoy them.

Now off to write directions....There are people waiting....


Mandi said...

Wow what a teaser! I love asymmetrical pieces and I can't wait to see the whole thing :)

Arlenesfelt said...

Love the little flowers on the beaded bead.

Beading Butterfly said...

Marcia, I love your work. I just got my Beadwork Magazine today and your piece on the cover is delicious! I think I'm gonna try my hand at one of my own over the summer. :)


Becca said...

You are truly my favorite designer of ANY year!!! I love all the pieces you have had so far and look forward to the future ones. Take care of yourself.

Gill Slone - Beadography said...

Love the Snow Dreams piece and I'm looking forward to seeing it in the magazine - the flowers really are the icing on the cake.

Valerie said...

I am a lucky one to have seen the entire piece, and can attest to this one's special-ness. I predict you will do well with this lovely piece Marcia. It's understated compared to others you do, but very commanding of a piece to be shown off (if that makes sense!). You are so talented!

wanda said...

I do not believe the picture does justice to this piece. it is a stunning piece and i am sure it will do well

LoriF said...

Not sure if you'll see this, but what happened to this piece? :-( I'm obviously reading older posts...but it is NOT in the magazine for Dec 2009/Jan 2010...?