That along with a beautiful classroom and lovely people, and the fact I get to go in the fall so I have my dose of New England weather. Although there has already been more then a good dose with last weeks major storm. My hostess is still without power, but the store, with the exception of having suffered through some computer issues, escaped major damage.
I'm teaching the brand spanking new Vienna, and fortunately the directions are done, because they were hard and I may have given up designing with CRAW if I knew how hard!

I'm also teaching a really pretty rendition of Dancing Lights, first done for an Alaskan cruise last year, and Cassandra, another brand new design with oval pearl studded medallions which can be a bracelet, pendant, earrings or all three!
So if you need some artistic relief from the weather woes of the East Coast, consider joining the fun. CRAW (cubic right angle weave) knowledge is a pre-requisite, but Heather Collin has prepared an excellent video you can view here, so don't let that stop you! and if you can't come this time, still have a look at Heather's video. It is so well done, and you get to listen to her charming South African accent as well!
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