Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Return to Blogging!

Yes,  I've been absent from the blog and I realize there are those of you who have enjoyed my daily ramblings over the years.  When I'm out and about talking to beaders I come to realize that I have engaged in a relationship with many of you through the blog.

I was truly reminded of this when Judy, one of the six Massachusetts girls (I grew up in Mass.) came to class this weekend bringing a tray of donut muffins!  Referencing a blog from a few years back, they have now become popular in her family.  Despite my commitment to healthy eating there was no way I could resist and I loved every bite.  There needs to be room for the occasional treat.

I feel the connection to each of you deeply and I just got a little lost in the amount of tasks that I had committed myself to.  I've done some work to prioritize and build some more creative time into my schedule and am feeling back in balance.

This past weekend I spent in New Hampshire at Bead Creative.  This was my third time and I am happy to report that I have many repeat students who have become friends, and I met a few new ones as well.

A highlight of this trip and there were many.....was meeting Nancy Dale for the first time.  I 'met' Nancy in 2010 on line and have been a fan of her work.  I saw Dryad, a Bead Dreams finalist a few years back but other then that I have had to admire her work in photos.

Nancy and husband Sherwood drove from their Vermont home to Hampton Falls and she kindly brought some of her finished work for me to admire.  I didn't take photos, because Sherwood does it so beautifully I didn't want to diminish any of the pieces, but I did try on 'October's Goddess' and Sherwood captured it.

One of the things I love about Nancy's work is the asymmetry that she has mastered so well.  On the right there are two russian leaves with bead embroidery on the left there are one.  I know that I may have been tempted to go with two and two or three and three and Nancy's choice was much more effective.

I arrived back after a long day of travel delays, and now I will be turning my full attention to the Bead and Button Master Class preparations.  I am so looking forward to this class because I am incredibly excited about the concept and about teaching process rather then project.  

Once home from Bead and Button my focus will be on illustrating new projects and making some new kits available on the website.  Until then though I have lot's to share with you, so look forward to a return to full time blogging!


Rita said...

Nice you see you posting again and had a great time!

Barbara Briggs said...

Good to have you back, Marcia! Hope I run into you at Bead&Button in June!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Marcia. I'm one who thoroughly enjoys your daily blogging and miss it when you're not writing.

Marcia DeCoster said...

thank you so much for letting me know you are reading, much appreciated!

Marcia DeCoster said...

Somehow we always do Barbara so I am sure this year will be no exception!

flyingbeader said...

That is a gorgeous necklace. Someday Nancy & I will get to me too, but it is just nice living vicariously through your blog & meeting the other bead artist right here when you met them.

Helen said...

Great to have you back and blogging again. We all miss you when your gone even though you do keep us up to date as to your where-abouts.

Gabriella Gyöngy said...

It is sooooooo beautiful! Congratulations!

NEDbeads said...

Thank you so much for the lovely mentions, and I am so very glad you wore October's Goddess!!!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to post a comment... it's been a little nuts... I had a wonderful time meeting with you and I can't wait for next year!!!!