I count this beading as my second 'career by accident'. My first in Information Technology was a right place at the right time kind of thing as the industry was just being born when I was new to the work force. Degrees in IT didn't really exist and I happened to have an affinity for the project management side of things and an understanding of systems analysis. It kind of all worked out in my favor.
My darling husband encouraged me to quit that work and pursue an artistic career while I was still young (young being relative, but I was 51 for the record). It seems again that timing added to my good fortune as beading and bead teachers enjoyed a surge in popularity during the 90's when I began having an interest.
So much to my surprise my name showed up on Facebook as an About.com Beadwork finalist in two categories. Beaded Opulence appears along with Seed Bead Fusion, The Jewelry Architect, Mastering Beadwork, and Totally Twisted. That is some mighty awesome company and I'm honored. I was also a finalist in the Best Beadwork teacher category, again along with many of my favorite colleagues.
There are ten categories, including best on line bead store, best Swarovski source, best retail bead store, and a few more. I know all my favorite stores showed up! If you're inclined to vote the link is here.
Congratulations Marcia! What a great feather (a beaded one of course) in you cap!
Big fan of everything you do!
You're one of MY favorite Beading teachers! Every workshop I ever took with you was awesome!
Thanks for all the kind comments, it's been a wonderful journey. @just me, to think you knew me before the beads. @ Lindsey, we certainly go back quite a few years!
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