Time is all relative, when I think back to travel 100 years ago, I'm fortunate that only 23 or so hours will elapse between leaving San Diego and arriving in Hoorn,Netherlands, but.....it is still going to be a long day. The rational part of my brain is really clear on all the inconveniences of travel, but I still am always excited by the prospect of it. On all of our flights there is a two seat side of the plane where I will have my favorite seat partner, Mark, with me. We'll arrive in Amsterdam tomorrow afternoon Holland time, and will travel by train, my favorite mode of transport, to Hoorn, 45 minutes away. We'll be greeted by our hosts neighbor (as they are at our house) who will introduce us to Demi, Diesel and Jouris (I have no idea how to spell Jouris, other then how it sounds) the three cats who will welcome us to their home.

This photo of
Amsterdam is courtesy of TripAdvisor
A trip to Amsterdam is planned for my birthday with reservations at a recommended Italian restaurant. It's going to be a wonderful adventure!
We'll have WeeFee (Dutch for WiFi) in Holland so I'll be in touch.
How nice to reed that you're coming to "my" country, hihi.
At this moment the weather is lovely (but I'm afraid that won't be long).
I wish you a wonderful vacation in Holland.
Groeten uit Holland (=greetings from Holland),
Keep us posted! It's fun to travel vicariously 8)
Have a great trip and keep us up-to-date with WeeFee.
Travel safely to the Homeland!
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