Creating magic in a bead store is definitely the forte of owner Petra Tismer. Her sparkly personality, along with her knowledge of beadwork and well stocked store make it a favorite European bead destination.
Das Perlamanet is in Bonn, Bad Godesberg, a nice small and welcoming town outside of the main Bonn in the south of Germany and not too far from the Eastern Netherlands. If you are close at all, it is definitely worth a visit.

Everywhere one looks there are clever displays, many of which Petra has made herself.. It all works to make a fun, eclectic environment for bead shopping. Here crystals are strung, all the better to admire their colors.

Playful color is evident everywhere

and whimsical touches add to the fun

add to that a huge selection of color, a seed beaders dream

more whimsy as Petra presses candle holders into action to hold, what else, more beads

and if you're looking for loose beads to add to a design there is no shortage of trays beckoning you with interesting shapes and colors

Every day before class I go into the shop and everyday I find things I hadn't seen before. Add to that all of the really nice and knowledgeable people who greet you, and it's a pretty amazing store!
Petra is also the author of Das Perlenfest der Rose Montees, showcasing these sparklies in a myriad of designs. I don't read German, but it's still a book that can be well enjoyed.

I had the pleasure of seeing her wear this beautiful cover piece yesterday.
Off to my last day of class, where I will be teaching Romantica. It's been a blast!
Thank you for sharing the pictures, this place looks marvelous ! I'm sure you all had a good time. I hope to be in next time you're in Europe and not too far from Brussels,
The Perlament is probably one of the famousest beadshops we have here in Germany, thank you for your impression of it!
One of these years I would love to visit Petra and her bead shop! Thanks for sharing.
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