I was over at Andrew's place and was reminded of my love of Anne Choi beads.

This bit of beadwork has been done for quite awhile and perhaps some day it will become wearable....In the meantime the ? seemed appropriate to me today as I question how to work smarter, where to put my focus, how to keep engaged in the artistic while struggling with the schedule and to do list.
This bit of beadwork has been done for quite awhile and perhaps some day it will become wearable....In the meantime the ? seemed appropriate to me today as I question how to work smarter, where to put my focus, how to keep engaged in the artistic while struggling with the schedule and to do list.
Also on the list is a piece for Bead Unique magazine to go along with a retreat that I'll be doing in Tahoe this year. The retreat is the first weekend in October and the instructors will be myself, Beki Haley and Sherry Serafini. The website with details should be available soon and I'll keep you posted.
Today I got up really early and enjoyed some beading time while listening to 'The Girl with the Dragon Tatoos'.
Yesterdays pedomoeter count ended up at 7498, not 10,000 but a respectable start. It is going to be challenging to fit everything which requires doing into the next two days before I leave for Minnesota. But the schedule is always going to be challenging or at least for the forseeable future so I need to make walking a priority......breakfast, shower, walk......walk, shower, breakfast........shower, walk? I seem to be a tad indecisive today.
Marcia, the blue bead with the sequins is wonderful!
I like the idea of working smarter - if you figure that out please share ;-)
Love the bead and the piece of beadwork.
The blue bead is so pretty! what lovely sequins!
Those Anne Choi beads are beautiful, thank you for sharing the link!
oh I would LOVE to attend your retreat!!!
try being as inefficient as possible around the house! it seems to work for my daughters...Nora will take three trips into the bedroom to get a pair of socks!
trip 1: 'mom, I found blue socks!'
trip 2: 'here is one sock!' puts it on
trip 3: 'here is the different sock!' puts it on...
it could take six trips to get a cup of tea in your studio! think of the # of steps!
Love the contrast between the big, chunky beads and the beadwork and the sequin ball is great!
Hi Marcia!!! I have wanted to write you since the cruise. I have been keeping up with you on your blog, what beautiful pictures you take, I would expect nothing less!!! I love my earrings and have finished all three pair. You are my favorite designer and wish I could go to Bead and Button with you. Maybe next year?! Can't wait for your book. Becca
This piece would look great hanging from the toggle ring at the bottom of a really cool lariat piece...
Covet the Anne Choi....maybe after my successful gallery exhibition next month I'll be able to splurge!
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