Did you know it spins? Thus the name carousel.
Teal Raspberry with hints of dark silver

Purple Lime (with hints of purple metallic)
Hot pink and orange (with hints of bronze)

I'm trying to predict this years favorite. I'm often surprised. I think my pick would be the hot pink orange. What's yours?
Hot pink/orange
Marcia, they are all beautiful, but....the pink and orange are my choice, as well!!!
I like the pink/orange one as well.
I've been enjoying your blog entries for a while now. I find inspiration from the beautiful photos. And I just bought your book! Can't wait to find some time to explore it in detail. :)
Oddly enough, I am absolutely in LOVE with the hot pink and orange design! They are all great, and I'm pretty sure most people would think I'd want either of the other 2 before that one, but the hot pink and orange keep sucking me in :o)
The pink/orange combo is exactly my Bollywood taste. Love!!
It's beginning to look like I should make the most of the hot pink and orange!
I'm torn between the hot pink/orange combo and the raspberry colourway. They are both beeyoootiful!!
definitely teal raspberry!! ;)))
Just to be different, I am partial to the purple and lime. But I reckon the other commenters are right, the pink/orange will be the winner. It is a real riotous (is that a word) carneval colour scheme.
The purple lime :)
che splendidi gioielli!!! e che bell'abbinamento di colori complimenti!!!
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